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D Town Christian News

Shoes Saves Foundation Ministries

August 10, 2024.

From my August 9, 2024, Instagram post under the name: Reverendjoikarla, look for the picture of the television.

This is Reverend Joi Karla Hubert directly speaking, that's important to mention as, sometimes others write Instagram messages for people professionally. I discovered recently, all television personnel has a way to get into all homes, and offices around the world with their own spirit-man. When I say all TV personnel, I'm referring to those who are on camera, and not those behind the camera who you do not see. The TV personnel simply look into the lens, of the camera in a certain way, and they then can slip their own spirit-man under any door anywhere on the planet. Now, that may sound obvious to those who read this; as, personnel on TV should look at the camera sometimes. However, this is a spell, that allows access into any building worldwide. They also slip under all doors, with their own spirit-man, with a practice of 1,800.00 times under any door. Like one times 1,800.00 equals 1,800.00. All TV personnel who is regularly filmed, including all politicians, are aware, and regularly practicing this style behavior, as well. This does also include all commercials on TV, in terms of all commercials that hire personnel as well.
 Also, those behind the camera, in the TV process, are aware, and encouraging those on film to practice this illegal, and immoral behavior regularly. So that a person can use their own spirit-man like a weapon. I have one world for white America, “Shinola”. I have three words for people of color in America, “Short Tail Knowledge”. For those who were aware of the problem, and did not agree with this practice, who were to afraid to fight film, and television, who also put me in the middle of a fight I did not sign up for, or agree to, your ass is next. I’m going to have several things, got me; me & my own, are going to be left alone. Leave me alone. I don’t want to be bothered.   "Bye."

The Good Reverend Joi Karla Hubert

Don't forget; to keep us in prayer, at The Shoes Saves Foundation, as prayer does truly change things. Also, don't forget to send in your much needed donations, as so many depend on them; because our goal is to help as many as we can, while also continuing our building renovation project. In addition, if you'd like to send any donation, including your own tithes, an offerings, you may do so, by following the instructions on the donations page. Finally, if you would like to join our ministry, please go to the contact page, and follow the instructions. Praise The Lord, our scripture reading for the month of August, comes from the book of 
Galatians, chapter 6, verse 5; which says: “for each one should carry their own load.” 2 Timothy, chapter 3, verse 1-6; which says: “But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people.
They are the kind who worm their way into homes and gain control over gullible women, who are loaded down with sins and are swayed by all kinds of evil desires.”   "Bye."   

​Remember, God is  good. 

Praise The Lord.

Reverend Joi Karla Hubert,

With the love of Christ, remember God is Good.

Recite Joi's Prayer below, for those who love to pray their own way, through any situation:

Lord Elohim, help us through this time, and bring us to our correct and rightful place. Remove all demonic forces from around us, and those who heed their call. You are righteous, and just; and a guiding force through all darkness. We also ask you to cleanse, and purify all that we eat, and drink, on a daily basis. Lord God of all the heavens, and earth, I believe in my heart, that Jesus is the son of God, and confess with my own mouth: Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior. Jehovah God, you answer the prayers of those who ask, and call on you in the name of the Messiah. Bless us with right standing Lord, bless us with health, and strength Lord, and help us meet all requirements of our own daily existence. Shine us up Lord, and remember us Lord, then take us on wings of glory where we should go, stay, and remain; in the name of Jesus, Ben Elohim Al Akbar. Amen and Amen 

By: Reverend Joi Karla Hubert

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